Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 3... Easterly Winds

Third day of on the bike training today. I woke up early around 7 and couldn't fall back asleep... I felt pretty drained until 10:30 then I headed out on my normal route in Normal IL from my apartment out to Comlara Park. Along the Constitution trail some workers were cutting down trees along the sides. I don't really see why they do that, since the trails purpose is take runners cyclists and rolelrbladers back to nature... either way once I got past all of the that I hit the open road and without pedaling got up to around 22 mph with a good easterly wind. Oh how bad a ride it was turning out to be. My plan was to stay around 16mph consistently for 24 miles. Heading north I was around my planned average. I stopped at 12 miles and adjusted my cleats... much improvement on power. Then I headed south... slowly i dropped from 16 to around 13 mph and then headed east.... poof. down to 10 mph no leg strength. not a great day on the bike. The quads were burning and the calfs were screaming.

Always Lead, Never Follow.



Welcome to my blog about my training exhibitions for the 2010 Insane Terrian Ride in Blue Mound Wisconsin. Covering 121 miles and 12,400 feet of climb in one day, it is one of the hardest rides in the US.

Aboard my 2007 Trek 1500 I'll update my daily training regimen and post pictures of cool stuff I see along the way.

Always lead, never follow.